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Warsztaty European Graduate School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER) – Research Design Course

Zdjęcia z warsztatów

W dniach 6-8 listopada br. w Instytucie Historii i Archiwistyki Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie odbędą się międzynarodowe warsztaty projektowania badań naukowych dla doktorantów – ESTER Research Design Course, Krakow 2017. Podczas trzydniowych obrad 38 doktorantów z 26 europejskich uniwersytetów i instytucji zaprezentuje projekty swoich prac doktorskich z zakresu historii społecznej i gospodarczej, które staną się przedmiotem dyskusji między autorami, doktorantami i komentatorami – bardziej doświadczonymi badaczami rekrutującymi się z 13 ośrodków badawczych w Europie. Program przewiduje następujące wystąpienia:

    1. Stephanie Allen (University of Hertfordshire), Performing Deceit: Committing bodily fraud in early modern England 1540-1750
    2. Esther Beeckaert (Ghent University), The organizing of access to land in the Southern Netherlands, ca. 1650-1850
    3. Christian Beyer (Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe), Cartelization in the Coal Industry of the 19th Century
    4. Dieter Marcel Bruneel (Ghent University), The contentious politics of use-rights in the Southern Netherlands (Belgium), 1750-1900
    5. Davide Cristoferi (Ghent University), Inequalities and Growth in the Late Medieval mezzadria Tuscany (15th-early 16th c.)
    6. Amaury de Vicq (Utrecht University), The evolution of the Dutch banking system regarding the funding of Small – and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the 20th century
    7. Maarten Draper (European University Institute), Italian merchants in Amsterdam, 1650-1700
    8. Michal Durco (Slovak Academy of Sciences), Road infrastructure development as a prerequisite for socio-economic development of the regions of Slovakia during interwar period
    9. Greta Fedele (University of Bologna), The transitional justice: the trials of French partisans in the aftermath of World War II
    10. Jonathan Fink-Jensen (European University Institute), Mutual sickness insurance and welfare-state formation in Belgium, Denmark, England and the Netherlands, 1870-1950
    11. Maria Goungor Filis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), The influence and interpretation of the work of Karl Marx in the Japanese economic thought during the early 20th century
    12. Kristina Hodelin-ter Wal (Radboud University), Migration, missionaries, South Asia, Southeast Asia
    13. Merit Hondelink (University of Groningen), A taste of historic cookery: a reconstruction of the daily meal as prepared by common burghers of Early Modern Dutch cities, 1500-1850
    14. Alice Janssens (Erasmus University Rotterdam), The Rise and Fall of Berlin as a Fashion Capital: 1924-1939
    15. Uygar Karaca (Koç University), Revisiting Economic Growth in Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria 1840-2000
    16. Katarzyna Kotula (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie), Aliyah bet of polish Jews before the II world war
    17. Monika Kozlowska (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku), Economic response of Little Ice Age of early modern Poland
    18. Jan Kratochvíl (Charles University in Prague), The role of coin production and its receiving during the evolution of power structure in the Czech early medieval society
    19. Christos Kyriapoulos (University of Crete), Fortified Port-Cities in the Ottoman Mediterranean Borderlands: The case study of Methoni, Koroni and Navarino (1500-1820)
    20. Minghui Li (University of Groningen), Transforming Childbirth Practices: New Style Midwifery in China, 1912 – 1949
    21. Kristof Loockx (University of Antwerp), Migration, employment and life: Foreign seamen on Belgian ships in the port of Antwerp, 1850-1914
    22. Dirk Lueb (University of Antwerp), Smuggling in the Napoleonic Southern Netherlands
    23. Maarten Manse (Leiden University), Taxation in the Netherlands East Indies (NEI), ca. 1870-1942
    24. Laura May (University of Antwerp), Suburban place-making: a research into the agency of development coalitions in the periphery of Antwerp during the periurban phase, c.1860-c.1940
    25. Robert Nasarek (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg), The classification of historical occupations in early modern encyclopedias. A contribution to digital humanities and to the history of labour
    26. Mattias Näsman (Umeå University), Driving Environmental Change – A business history of Volvo Cars and the environment
    27. Ruben Peeters (Utrecht University), The Challenges of Change: Small and medium size firm funding in the Netherlands, 1860-1940
    28. María del Carmen Pérez Artés (Tübingen University), Development of Human Capital in Spain throughout 16 and 18th centuries.
    29. Robin Philips (International Institute of Social History), Low Countries, High Development. Changing industrial location in the Netherlands and Belgium (ca. 1820-2010)
    30. Roman Roobroeck (Ghent University), The 'Geuzenhoek’: religious coexistence and multiple identities in rural Flanders (1600-1750)
    31. Matthias Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge (Radboud University Nijmegen), Parental Loss, Household Composition and Later-Life Outcomes: Studying Orphans’ Life Courses in the 19th, 20th and 21st Century
    32. Wout Saelens (University of Antwerp), Private energy consumption before and during the early industrial revolution: Flanders and Holland compared (c. 1650-1850)
    33. Dolores Sesma Carlos (Radboud University), Internal migrations and mortality over the life course, 1850-2010
    34. Patrycja Szwedo (Uniwersytet Warszawski, IH PAN), Casimir IV Jagiellonian’s urban policy in the Greater Poland (1447 –1492).
    35. Gijs van Campenhout (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Who may represent the nation? Changing citizenship in international football, 1930-2014
    36. Sietske Van den Wyngaert (University of Antwerp), The pre-industrial transformation of child labour. From learning through apprenticeships to being employed as an unskilled, cheap workforce? (1550-1800)
    37. Anke Verbeke (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Surviving old age: coping strategies of the elderly labouring poor in Gent, Brussels and Antwerp, 1750-1850.
    38. Harm Zwarts (Wageningen University), The Development of Innovation in Dutch Agriculture, c. 1880-1970

Organizacja warsztatów została sfinansowana ze środków: Wydziału Humanistycznego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego (działalność wspomagająca badania), Uniwersytetu im. Radbouda w Nijmegen oraz Miasta Krakowa (w ramach programu Krakowskie Konferencje Naukowe). Wydarzenie zorganizowane zostało we współpracy z Instytutem N. W. Posthumusa oraz inicjatywą WEast.


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