Prof. Anna Zapalec

Associate Professor
Department of Contemporary History & Historical Education
room: 327
ORCID: 0000-0002-4976-9537
- Various issues related to World War II in the Polish context
- Repressions and crimes committed during World War II by the occupiers of Poland (both Nazi-German and Soviet)
- Fate of the Polish people in the territory of the USSR in the 20th century
- Holocaust
- forced migrations
Autor of chapter in book:
A. Zapalec, ‘Złoczów County’ in: Night without End. The Fate of Jews in German-Occupied Poland, ed. by Jan Grabowski and Barbara Engelking (Bloomington, 2022).
in Polish: A. Zapalec, ‘Powiat złoczowski’ in: Dalej jest noc. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski, ed. Jan Grabowski and Barbara Engelking (Warszawa, 2018).
Co-author book:
together with Jacek Tebinka Polska w brytyjskiej strategii wspierania ruchu oporu. Historia Sekcji Polskiej Kierownictwa Operacji Specjalnych (SOE) [Poland in the British Strategy of Support for European Resistance Movements. The History of the Polish Section of the Special Operations Executive] (Warszawa, 2021).
Books authored:
Druga strona sojuszu. Żołnierze brytyjscy w Polsce w czasie II wojny światowej [The Other Side of Alliance. British Soldiers in Poland during the Second World War] (Gdańsk, 2014).
Ziemia tarnopolska w okresie pierwszej okupacji sowieckiej (1939-1941) [The Province of Tarnopol during the First Soviet Occupation (1939–1941)] (Kraków, 2006).
Awards and Prizes:
2017 – Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for scientific achievements of the first degree (11 December 2017);
2012 – Award of the Rector of the Pedagogical University of Cracow for the organizational achievements;
2010 – Award of the Rector of the Pedagogical University of Cracow for achievements in scientific work, teaching and innovation and outstanding efforts for the benefit of the Institute of History and the academic community in Cracow.
Research projects
2002-2004 – grant from the Research Committee (project number 2H01G 095 22; doctoral dissertation)
2014-2018 – co-investigator in project “Strategies for the Survival of Jews during the Occupation in the General Government, 1942-1945” (Grant of the National Program for the Development of Humanities No. 12H 13 0484 82; Head prof. Barbara Engelking)
2016-2019 – investigator in the project “Poland in the British Resistance Strategy. History of the Polish Section of Special Operations Executive (SOE)” (grant No. 2015/19/B/HS3/01051 from the National Science Centre; project manager prof. Jacek Tebinka)
Internships in international and scientific or academic centres
Fellowship at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1 February-30 June 2024;
Intership at the Department of History at the University of Ottawa, September 2023;
The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, August 2014; scholarship from the Polonia Aid Foundation Trust in London; a scientific query;
The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, January–February 2014, a scholarship from the Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation, a scientific query;
The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, and the Polish Underground Movement (1939–1945) Study Trust in London, January–February 2007; scholarship from the Polonia Aid Foundation Trust in London; a scientific query.
Organizational activity:
Since 2009 – member of the Polish Historical Society;
2010 – Secretary of the Organizational Bureau of the II International Congress “Poland-Russia. Difficult subjects. Three narratives: History – Literature – Film”, Cracow, 5-7 October 2010;
2012 – member of the Organizing Bureau of the III International Congress “Росссия и Польша: память империй/империи памяти”, St. Petersburg, April 26-28, 2012;
2012 – Secretary of the Organizing Bureau and a member of the Organizing Committee of the Second Congress of International Researchers of Polish History, Cracow, 12-15 September 2012;
2013 – co-organizer of the conference on behalf of the History Institute of the Pedagogical University of Cracow International Session “The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933”, Cracow, 28 November 2013;
2014 – member of the Organizing Bureau and Organizing Committee of the IV International Congress “Poland-Russia: The Long Shadow of the ‘short’ 20th Century”, Cracow, 26-27 May 2014;
2008-2015 – co-organizer and member of a team implementing bilateral Polish-German seminars for students on topics: “Remembrance of Auschwitz and the Holocaust historically and contemporary, part I” and “Migration and Integration in Europe in the 20th Century, part II” (in recent years the title of the part II was: “History and present day. Forced migration of Poles and Germans during the Second World War and after the war”). The project was organized by the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim, in cooperation with the Institute of History and Archival Studies of the Pedagogical University in Cracow, European Academy Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, University of Rostock;
2016 – on behalf of the History Institute of the Pedagogical University in Cracow, co-organizer of the Polish-German-Belarusian student seminar in Oświęcim and Cracow on April 24-30, 2016. “Culture(s) of remembrance of Auschwitz and the Holocaust: Poland, Belarus, Germany.” The project was organized by the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim, in cooperation with the Institute of History and Archival Studies of the Pedagogical University in Cracow, the History Laboratory in Minsk, and the Internationales Bildungs-und Begnungswerk (IBB) Dortmund.
2016-2017 – member of the Organizing Committee of the Third Congress of International Researchers of Polish History.
2020-2022 – member of the Organizing Committee of the 4th International Congress of Polish History.
A. Zapalec, ‘The Situation of the Jews in Drohobycz in the Early Months of the German Occupation (July – December 1941)’, Moreshet, Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism 2021, no. 19.
A. Tebinka, A. Zapalec, ‘Brytyjsko-polska współpraca polityczna i początek operacji specjalnych 1939-1940’ [British-Polish Military Cooperation and the Origins of Special Operations, 1939-1940], Studia nad Totalitaryzmami i Wiekiem XX 2020, vol. 4, pp. 44-67.
The English translation has been published in the same volume: J. Tebinka, A. Zapalec, ‘British-Polish Political Co-operation and the Beginning of Special Operations, 1939-1940’, Studia nad Totalitaryzmami i Wiekiem XX 2020, vol. 4, pp. 340-363].
J. Tebinka, A. Zapalec, ‘Początki współpracy brytyjskich instytucji zajmujących się operacjami specjalnymi z polskim wywiadem wojskowym w 1939 r.’ [The Beginnings of Cooperation Between British Secret Services and the Polish Military Intelligence in 1939], Dzieje Najnowsze 2019, no. 4, pp. 5-25.
A Zapalec, ‘Obywatele polscy deportowani na teren Syberii Zachodniej i Wschodniej w latach 1940–1941: główne skupiska i charakterystyczne problemy życia codziennego’ [The Citizens of Poland Deported to the Territory of West and East Siberia between 1940 and 1941: Main Agglomerations and Distinctive Issues of Daily Life], Dzieje Najnowsze 2013, no. 2, pp. 67–80. The first main version of the article was also published in Russian in: A. Zapalec, ‘Поляки в Сибири в период второй мировой войны: основные места скопления польского населения и характерные проблемы повседневной жизни’ [Poles in Siberia during the Second World War: Main Agglomerations of the Polish Population and Distinctive Issues of Daily Life] in: Вклад польских ученых в изучение восточной Сибири и озёра Байкал. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции Иркутск-Лиственничное-Мишиха [The Input of the Polish Academics in Learning about East Siberia and the Baikal Lake. The Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference Irkutsk-Listwiennicznoje-Miszycha], Irkutsk State Agrarian University Press, Irkutsk 2011, pp. 91–99.
A. Zapalec, ‘Wybrane aspekty kwerendy w archiwach rosyjskich Syberii Wschodniej dotyczącej deportacji obywateli polskich w głąb ZSRS (1940–1946)’ [Selected Aspects of a Query in the Russian Archives of East Siberia Regarding the Deportations of the Polish Citizens Deep into the USSR (1940-46)], Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historica 2012, no. 12, pp. 245–251.
Peer-reviewed work: A.W. Czewardin, ‘Поляки и польские граждане в Свердловской области в 1939 — 1948 гг’ [Poles and Polish Citizens in Sverdlovsk Oblast between 1939 and 1948], Yekaterinburg 2010, p. 224 (Series: ‘Sketches from the History of the Urals’. Issue 62), Klio 2012, no. 4, pp. 199–202.
Peer reviewed work: J.L. Zbierowskaja, ‘Спецпоселенцы в Сибири (1940-1950-е гг.)’ [Special Settlers in Siberia (between 1940 and 1950)], Krasnoyarsk 2010, p. 180, Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie 2012, no. 16, pp. 274–278.
A. Zapalec, ‘Metody i środki propagandy prowadzonej przez Tarnopolski Obwodowy Komitet Komunistycznej Partii (bolszewików) Ukrainy w okresie 1939–1940’ [Methods and Means of Propaganda Conducted by the Tarnopol Regional Committee of Ukraine’s (Bolshevik) Communist Party between 1939 and 1940], Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej 2007, vol. 42, pp. 275–285.
A. Zapalec, ‘Deportacje i przymusowe przesiedlenia ludności województwa tarnopolskiego w okresie pierwszej okupacji sowieckiej 1939–1941’ [‘Deportations and Forced Resettlement of the Tarnopol Province Population during the First Soviet Occupation between 1939 and 1941’], Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie 2006, no. 2933, pp. 169-191.
Chapters and Articles in Conference Proceedings
Anna Zapalec, ‘Oceny i raporty Brytyjskiej Misji Wojskowej o kampanii polskiej 1939 roku’ [The Reports and Evaluations of the British Military Mission Regarding the Polish Campaign of 1939], in: Polskie zmagania o niepodległość w XX w.: materiały z XXVIII sesji naukowej w Toruniu w dniu 16 listopada 2018 r., ed. Przemysław Olstowski, Toruń 2020, pp. 35-47.
A. Zapalec, ‘Polskie kobiety represjonowane w czasie II wojny światowej i w pierwszych latach po jej zakończeniu: charakterystyka zjawiska’ [Polish Women Repressed during the Second World War and in the First Years after Its End: Characteristics of the Phenomenon], in: Przetrwałam: doświadczenia kobiet więzionych w czasach nazizmu i stalinizmu [I Survived: the Experiences of Women Imprisoned under Nazism and Stalinism], compilation Maria Buko, Katarzyna Madoń-Mitzner, Magda Szymańska, Warszawa 2017, pp. 418-459.
A. Zapalec, ‘Polskie dzieci w sowieckim systemie represji podczas II wojny światowej’ [Polish children in the Soviet System of Repression during World War II] in: Dzieci wojny [Children of War], scientific ed. A. Bartuś, Oświęcim 2016, pp. 61-76.
A. Zapalec, ‘Emocje ukryte w źródłach: wybrane aspekty badania przeżyć związanych z doświadczeniami represji sowieckich wyrażane w tekstach wspomnieniowych’ [Emotions Hidden in Sources: Selected Aspects of Research into Experiences of Soviet Repression Expressed in Memoirs] in: Skrwawione dusze: prawda, sprawiedliwość, przebaczenie, pojednanie [Bloody Souls: Truth, Justice, Forgiveness, Reconciliation], scientific ed. Alicja Bartuś, Oświęcim 2015, pp. 129-139.
A. Zapalec, ‘Pierwsze dni okupacji sowieckiej w Polsce południowo-wschodniej: wrzesień–październik 1939 r.’ [The First Days of the Soviet Occupation in South-East Poland: September and October 1939] in: Kampania polska 1939. Polityka, społeczeństwo, kultura, t. 2: Polityka i społeczeństwo. Imponderabilia, pamięć, kultura [The Polish Campaign of 1939. Politics, Society, Culture, vol. 2: Politics and Society. Principles, Remembrance, Culture], eds. M.P. Deszczyński, T. Pawłowski, Warsaw 2014, pp. 376–399.
A. Zapalec, ‘Świat kobiet w sowieckich łagrach: próba zarysu problematyki’ [The World of Women in Soviet Labour Camps: A General Outline of the Issues] in: Kobiety wojny: między zbrodnią a krzykiem o godność [The Women of War: between Depravity and a Cry for Dignity], ed. A. Bartuś, Oświęcim 2014, pp. 193–205.
A. Zapalec, ‘Воспоминания поляков в исследованиях по истории ГУЛАГа’ [Memoirs of Poles in Researches on GULAG History] in: Сибирская деревня: история, современное состояние, перспективы развития. Материалы ХМеждународной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 60-летию освоения целинных и залежны хземель (Омск, 23–26 апреля 2014) [The Siberian Village: History, Present State and Further Development. Collection of Articles of the 10th Research-to-Practice Conference, Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Virgin and Fallow Lands Reclamation (Omsk, 23–26 April 2014)], in 3 parts, eds. T.N. Zolotova, N.A. Tomilov, N.K. Chernyavskaya, part 1, Omsk 2014, pp. 286–295.
A. Zapalec, ‘Deportowani obywatele polscy pracujący w sowieckim przemyśle drzewnym w świetle dokumentacji trustu «Tomles»’ [The Deported Polish Citizens Labouring in the Soviet Timber Industry in Light of the ‘Tomles’ Trust Documentation] in: Sybir: wysiedlenia – losy – świadectwa [Siberia: Resettlement – Fate – Testimony], eds. J. Ławski, S. Trzeciakowska, Ł. Zabielski, Białystok 2013, pp. 279–296.
A. Zapalec, ‘Основные аспекты положения и организации быта польских спецпереселенцев в Иркутской области (1940–1941)’ [The Main Determinants of the Concentration of Polish Special Deportees (Spiecpieriesielency) and Their Day-to-Day Life in the Irkutsk Oblast (1940–41)] in: Проблемы российско-польской истории и культурный диалог: материалы Международной научной конференции, Новосибирск 23–24 апреля 2013 г. [The Issues of Russian-Polish History and Cultural Dialogue: Materials of the International Academic Conference, Novosibirsk 23–24 April 2013], ed. M. Wolos et al., Novosibirsk 2013, pp. 383–392.
A. Zapalec, ‘Sowiecka kampania propagandowa wobec Polski i Polaków w 1939 roku i jej efekty’ [The Soviet Propaganda Campaign against Poland and Poles in 1939 and Its Effects] in: Słowa w służbie nienawiści [Words in the Service of Hatred], ed. A. Bartuś, Oświęcim 2013, pp. 147–162.
A. Zapalec, ‘Wkroczenie Armii Czerwonej i obrona granicy polskiej na terenie województwa tarnopolskiego we wrześniu 1939 r.’ [The Invasion of the Red Army and the Defence of the Polish Border on the Territory of the Tarnopol Province in September 1939] in: Wrogowie, sojusznicy, towarzysze broni. Polsko-rosyjskie stosunki wojskowe w pierwszej połowie XX wieku [Enemies, Allies, Comrades in Arms. Polish-Russian Military Relationships in the First Half of the 20th Century], ed. J. Wojtkowiak, Poznań 2013, pp. 235–243.
A. Zapalec, ‘Dezintegracja rodzin polskich w okresie II wojny światowej’ [Disintegration of Polish Families during the Second World War] in: Rodzina, gospodarstwo domowe i pokrewieństwo na ziemiach polskich w perspektywie historycznej – ciągłość czy zmiana? [Family, Household and Kinship on the Polish Land from the Historic Perspective – Continuity or Change?], ed. C. Kuklo, Warsaw 2013, pp. 361–392.
A. Zapalec, ‘Поэзия польских ссыльных и депортированных как источник о судьбах поляков на территории СССР’ [Poetry of the Polish Exiles and Deportees as a Source of Information about Polish Fortunes on the Territory of the USSR] in: Сибирская деревня: история, современное состояние, перспективы развития (Сборник научных трудов) [Siberian Village: History, Present-Day Situation, Perspectives of Development: Proceedings of the Conference], in 3 parts, eds. N.K. Chernyavskaya et al., part 1, Omsk 2012, pp. 429–435.
A. Zapalec, ‘Protesty i bunty więźniów oraz specprzesiedleńców na wybranych przykładach łagrów sowieckich’ [Protests and Rebellions of Convicts and Special Deportees in Selected Examples of the Soviet Labour Camps] in: Człowiek wobec totalitaryzmu: od prostych recept do „ostatecznego rozwiązania” [Man in the Face of Totalitarianism: from Simple Formulas to ‘the Final Solution], ed. A. Bartuś, Oświęcim 2012, pp. 40–54.
A. Zapalec, ‘Politrucy i sowieccy działacze partyjni w roli administratorów – reorganizacja administracji na Kresach Wschodnich w okresie I okupacji sowieckiej’ [Political Commissars and Soviet Party Activists as Administrators – Re-organization of Administration in the Eastern Borderlands during the First Soviet Occupation] in: Przemoc i dzień powszedni w okupowanej Polsce [Violence and Everyday Life in Occupied Poland], ed. T. Chinciński, Gdansk 2011, pp. 197–209.
The article was also published in a German translation: A. Zapalec, ‘Politoffiziere und sowjetische Parteifunktionäre als Verwaltungsbeamte. Die Reorganisation der Verwaltung in den polnischen Ostgebieten’ in: Gewalt und Alltag im besetzten Polen 1939–1945, Herausgegeben von J. Böhler und S. Lehnstaedt, Osnabrück 2012, pp. 141–153.
A. Zapalec, ‘Wspomnienia Sybiraków jako źródło historyczne w badaniach nad procesem deportacji obywateli polskich w głąb ZSRS 1940–1941’ [Memoirs of Siberian Deportees as a Historical Source in the Research on the Process of Deporting Polish Citizens Deep into the USSR 1940–1941] in: Pamiętniki, dzienniki i relacje jako źródła do badań historycznych [Memoirs, Diaries and Accounts as Historical Sources], ed. K. Karolczak, Cracow 2011, pp. 245–261.
The article was also published in the English translation: ‘Memoirs of Siberian Deportees as a Historical Source in the Research on the Process of Deporting Polish Citizens Deep into the USSR (1940–1941)’, in:, 2012, vol. 2.